Why Stains Reappear After Cleaning

Have you ever had to endure the frustration of having spots and stains reappear a short time after a carpet cleaning? If so, you are not alone. The reappearance of spots and stains is actually a very common occurrence when a carpet is “cleaned” using a traditional shampoo and rinse method.

Sometimes, spots can reappear as soon as the carpet dries. Other times, the spots come back after several weeks have passed. Either way, it can be quite annoying to see spots and stains re-emerge on a carpet you thought was just professionally cleaned.

There are two primary causes of carpet re-spotting: Wicking and Residue. One originates below the carpet fibers, in the backing or pad of the carpet. The other originates in the carpet fibers themselves.


Stains that resurface as a result of wicking originate below the carpet fibers. In these cases, the original stain has not only soiled the carpet fibers, it has also penetrated into the carpet backing and underlying pad.

While attempting to remove a stubborn stain, the carpet may have received too much moisture during the rinsing phase. An excessive rinse can saturate the area and allow water to penetrate into the carpet backing and pad. The rinse water then mixes with the deep stain and becomes dirty and discolored.

Some of this dirty water is drawn out of the carpet during the extraction portion of the cleaning process, but much of it remains behind in the carpet backing and pad. Then, as the moisture evaporates and the carpet dries, this dirty water gradually wicks upward into the carpet fibers. The once deep stain rises to the surface where it becomes visible.

If spots and stains reappear as soon as the carpet dries, wicking is most likely to blame. Basically, wicking is caused by over-wetting the carpet, backer and pad.


Stains that reappear as a result of residue originate within the carpet fibers themselves. In these cases, some of the shampoo, soap or other cleaning agent used in a traditional cleaning process was left behind in your carpet. Even after the carpet dries, the residue will remain.

Because shampoo and soap residue is quite sticky, it attracts dirt and grime. This is particularly noticeable in high traffic areas because every time someone walks on the carpet, the soil from their shoes will stick to the residue in the carpet fibers. Likewise, any settling dust particles will adhere to the residue in the carpet.

Residue is why carpets cleaned with traditional methods become re-soiled so quickly. Even vacuuming the carpet will not release the soil stuck to the residue within the fibers. The same spots appear to come right back, but in reality it is mostly new soil that becomes stuck to the detergent residue within the carpet fibers.

If spots and stains reappear several weeks after your carpet has been “cleaned”, excessive soap residue is most likely to blame. Traditional cleaning methods simply cannot extract all of the residual soap from your carpet.

Why The Cleaning House Co.?

You don’t have to put up with recurring carpet stains. Contact us at (800) 604-2128 or click here to schedule an appointment. Nobody gets your carpets cleaner than The Cleaning House Co.