6 Interesting Facts about Concrete

For centuries, concrete has been used everywhere. It’s used to construct driveways, patios, sidewalks – it’s nearly everywhere you walk. In fact, concrete is the most used manmade material on earth. It’s used more than plastic, steel, wood, and aluminum combined. Even though concrete helps us get to work, take our dog on a walk, and shoot hoops in our driveway, it’s not uncommon for people to know little about concrete.

That’s why we’re here. Below we dive into a handful of common beliefs about concrete and discover if they’re a misconception or concrete facts.

Concrete is porous, like a sponge.

Fact. The concrete used for your driveway, patio, and walkways is extremely porous. This allows for water to flow through the concrete and prevents runoff. This is an issue during the colder months when the water within your concrete expands when it freezes (by 9% in volume), which leads to the unsightly surface damage, as the expansion cracks weaker joints in the concrete

There is no way to prevent cracking, chipping, pitting, or spalling.

Fiction. A professional concrete sealing service, like Perfect Power Wash, uses only a hydrophobic weather guard sealer. This protects your concrete from cracking, chipping, and general wear and tear. Learn how it works here.

Siloxane sealers won’t change the appearance of my concrete.

Fact. Unlike surface coatings offered by some companies, a hydrophobic weather guard sealer penetrates the surface and won’t fade, crack, or peel. It’s completely transparent and lives inside the concrete and strengthens it from inside. It’s the best protection for porous concrete.

Replacing concrete is cheaper than having it washed and sealed.

Fiction. According to Angie’s List, replacing an average concrete driveway will cost upwards of $30,000. This is far more expensive than the minimal outlay of having your concrete professionally washed and sealed.

If my concrete didn’t crack last winter, it won’t crack this winter.

Fiction. The risk of damage increases exponentially for every freeze/thaw cycle that concrete endures. Each winter you neglect your concrete surfaces significantly increases the propensity of damage.

Road salt and deicing salt are leading contributors to concrete corrosion and damage.

Fact. If you have ever made ice cream you know to add salt to the ice. This is because salt lowers the freezing temperature of the water and increases the density. The same rings true for the water in your concrete. When deicing salt is used, the water within the pores of your concrete becomes denser (and will have a greater mass). The increase in mass causes more strain on the concrete leading to a greater risk of corrosion and damage.

How to protect your concrete.

Many homeowners think that having your concrete washed and sealed is purely cosmetic. In truth, it’s a preventative measure to ensure the integrity of your concrete surfaces. It’s a necessary step to save thousands of dollars that would otherwise go to repairs and replacements.

Here at Perfect Power Wash, we recommend having your concrete washed and sealed at least once a year. If you haven’t had your concrete washed and sealed this year, be sure to do so before winter arrives. Otherwise, come spring you risk the chance of seeing pits, chips, and cracks in your concrete surfaces.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your concrete. Perfect Power Wash offers a hydrophobic weather guard sealer that is the perfect protection against Northeast Ohio winters. Call today to request your free quote, schedule in minutes, and protect your concrete from the upcoming winter.